Saturday, July 3

well according to a friend of mine... he WANTS (that's how he put it) to see how long my blog lasts...
so excuse me while i blog with a vengeance...

well well... my dad's out cold from sleepless nights of soccer and my bro's out for another sleepless night of soccer... personally... if the soccer players all started chopping one another up with chainsaws... that's something (not that i would be surprised)... but i couldn't care less if singapore brought the world cup home...
and don't snap at me now and say it's the euro cup...
well i know that...
soccer schmoccer...

mum's reading the papers cos she's fed up two thirds the males in our house are either not at home or catatonic...
and don't snap at me now and say "i thought it's all the males...?"
see... psychic tentacles at work...

haha... but who am i to say a word...? i spent a good part of my life doing what many think is an unworthy pursuit... music schmusic... haha...
so go on a-kickin' guys... life's short...
and i'll be a-tootin on me flutti...

now what's gotten into me...? funny speech patterns... hmm...

whee... haha... finally... a test i passed with flying colours...

ah... new potter book's gonna be out soon... the Halfblood Prince...
now that would make a nice prezzie for christmas...
hint hint...
ah now a bigger one wouldn't do any harm would it...

H H I N NN T .. .. ..
H H IIIII N N T .. .. ..

bwahaha... why am i doing stuff like this in the witching hour...? i have no idea...

anyways... bored... haha... somehow or another the prospect of school opening seems so immensely far away and miniscule now... must be the effect of the late night upon me...
sky's lovely tonight... colour so uniform it looks almost fluid...
no stars though...?

what holds more beauty...? the stars or the night sky...? doesn't the night so dark you can't see anything... not even your own hands... hold a special, mysterious allure...?
what was it now... something in The Little Prince... something about stars...?
ah well... can't remember now...

i suppose this sudden appreciation of the sky sans it's stars stems from a documentary on NGC bout how we'll all die terribly when the sun explodes and becomes a black hole or one strays into our universe... haha... ah well if we've got to go... we might as well go with a big bang...

well well... and what am i doing here...? this talk about sky and stars...?
sigh... reminders and memories...
why does it seem that everything i do alyays comes full circle...? cosmic karma i suppose... no matter where i go... i seem to always end up in the same spot...
well well... watching the skies... hmm...

oh by the way i am deliberately being vague and philosophical here so you will all think i'm a deep brooding character with a mysterious and painful past...

well have fun people... going off to better appreciate the night sky from the wndow by my bed...

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