Tuesday, July 6

ah well... big reminder:

My 'A' Levels Are In Four Months And I Should Stop Fooling Around.

just to freak myself out... i decided to post the entire schedule up...
really sorry if this results in hysteria, depression, suicide, temporary or permanent loss of sanity in some of you...

GP 1: 4/11. 8-9.30.
GP 2: 4/11 10-11.30.
Hist 1: 8/11. 2-5.
Hist 2: 22/11. 2-5.
Lit 1: 16/11. 2-5.
Lit 3: 24/11. 8-11.
Lit 8: 19/11. 2.30-5.30.
Econs 1: 22/11. 8-9.
Econs 2: 22/11. 9.30-11.15.
Econs 3: 17/11. 2-4.15.

hmm... there we have it...

oh yar... hmm...

orchard in the night as the week dies...
the streets of orchard by moonlight...
twilight orchard...

i'm supposed to write something about 'orchard on a sunday night' but i'm really too tired to do so... as you can very well see from the crappy titles above...
and yes... not tired enough so that i stop spouting rubbish here and now...

so spells the end of my creative writing career...
(actually it ended in sec 3 but let's not go there...)

let's see now...

it's the first day of school...
i'm tired...
i'm sick of school...
i'm whining...
all of you reading this think i'm just seeking attention...
some of you reading this think i need structure in my writing...
some of you think i shouldn't be writing in the first place...

and to do you that favour since i'm such a nice guy... (well ain't i...?)
i shall go sleep now...

"Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest."
- Horatio, in Shakespeare's 'Hamlet'.

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