Sunday, July 18

good evening...
actually there's one thing that makes this evening not so good... and that's the blasting megaphone of some open air performance right below my block... if not for that... this evening would be what i consider pretty nice... quiet... with the whole house to myself...
well... school's starting again tomorrow... but this next week will mark the beginning of the end of my many involvements... all over the place... so i decided to cherish it well... by the time i'm here again typing next week... i think i'll be stripped of many things that now still cling on to me...
what a relief... it's been a long, arduous, tiring... but ultimately very fulfilling journey...
ah... the sky's beautiful... but i think i won't go on and on about it ad nauseam...
all i shall say of the evening is that it looks like an immense curtain... purple gilded with clouds of copper sunset... the pregnant curtain for a stage of the stars to chart their nocturnal course...

and in writing that... i see that the precise one moment is quite over and done with... after all...
a certain amount of the beauty in sunset and sunrise lies in the fact that one can never specifically pinpoint the time when the colours are so finely balanced it seems like the complete palette of nature laid out for one split moment... and it is precisely this elusive moment that holds the momentary blood-eye of the observer... but forever captures the attention of the sprit's contemplation... 
and i have an essay to finish...
talk about pithy statements and juxtaposition of style...

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