Sunday, July 25

hello... the previous post was supposed to be up early this morning... like about one... ante meridian...

but i took it down for a while... cos of some stuff that happened that made me question the truth of what i wrote...

but now it's up again... i decided while it may not apply to everybody... for those to whom it applies to... they deserve the thanks and gratitude... thank you...

to whom it may concern... human emotions are at best elusive and cryptic... sometimes it's just better to just experience them than try to fathom their bottomless meanings...

sunday is a day of cleaning... and that's final...
that... by the way... was courtesy of the re-creative essay question of literature paper eight...
spent the day polishing my flute... and then washing the toilet...
talk about antithesis... but washing and polishing and cleaning... occasionally done... it's therapeutic...

ah... i have to go... and prepare for tomorrow now...
i can hear the trains go by right outside the window now... it's really funny how they seem to sound so different from time to time... sometimes a deafening roar... and yet sometimes a hushed whoosh... reminiscent of quiet endless journeying and discovery... in a positive sense of course...

'nighty then...

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