Sunday, July 4

The following may contain words, scenes that may be offensive to certain people looking for mindless entertainment alone. Included within are references to sombre, possibly depression-inducing content.
Reader discretion is advised.

grr... spent a good amount of time trying to get into bloody site seems to be down or something... had to weasel my way in in the end using links in the history bar...

lets see now...
my dad has managed to entice mom into the world of soccer... by ingeniously having her bet that Greece wins...
lovely family i have innit... this soccer fever thingy... seems to be terribly contagious...

well well...
went to jam yesterday afternoon... and yes i can see the scandalized looks on some of your faces... pretty ok i guess... i suppose it's good for me to occasionally be put in musical situations i'm not too familiar with... expand me horizons... that's what i'm doing...

then on to alumni practice last night... impressive i should say... yet i am always left totally befuddled by the lot of them... some of the simplest stuff seems to be out of their grasp... and yet they have no difficuty flying right through more complex pieces...
hmm... this has the effect of leaving me quite unsettled sitting there on the podium in front of the lot of them... firstly...i dunno whether or not to attempt deeper stuff... being terribly afraid that i'll just confuse everyone... and when i decide not to... there's a terrible pang of having given up on a potential shot at a very good show...
ah well... still the entire thing was pretty good on the whole... left me all smiles by the end of practice...

sigh... terribly withdrawn by the time i hit the covers though... always happens...
whenever i have a terribly good day doing stuff i really like i always end up depressed that i can't pursue what i really want to...
the one thing which cheers me up nowadays is music... and the one thing that makes me so depressed is also ironically it...
haha... reminds me of something i read... cheesy... but nice in it's own way...
what do you do when the only one who can stop the tears is the one who first made you cry...?

by the way the performance is on july 23rd...
just thought you might be interested... ha...

oh yar... just remembered...
had a weird dream... and it's all the more weird cos i almost never dream...

lets see now...
i was walking... in a sort of race i suppose... one of those marathon types...
(which means that i was either leading or lagging... the latter i think...)
and i was walking alone... and a snake... a really huge one at that came up behind me...
and i started running... and then it chased... and gave me two bites...
then i reached the end... and was directed to go see a doctor...
and the doctor... who i have totally no memory of... told me to bleed all the venom out... so i bled, bled and bled summore...
then i woke up... and i saw ugly splotches on my skin... and i thought that was cos i was pinching myself in my sleep...
and that was still the dream... and then i really woke up...

righty... all you budding psychics, Trelawneys, and Madam Ooglas... here's your chance to predict my rise to fame and fortune... future career as a beggar... or whatever your crystal balls, tea leaves or liver and entrails hold... even early, gruesome death...
dramatic forecasts with possible romance preferred...
manga/anime/comic inspired prophecies not welcome...

on a less interesting and more threatening note...
i also had a dream a few weeks back i would totally fail history again...

which brings me to the next point...
schools opening...

oh well...
i suppose the renewed activity in my life is a good thing after all...
can't lead a sedentary life can i...?
oh no... i should go out... whiff the fine perfume of roses...
feel the sunshine on my face...

yar right... i'm so gonna do that in school...
whee... mass PE here i come...

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