Tuesday, July 13


i like today's weather... foggy in the morning... so my walk to the bus stop was not agonizingly mundane...
it seemed as if the veil cast by the fog extended beyond the physical plane into a spiritual, emotional one... it is a rather good way i should say... to begin the morning exactly as nature intended it... veiled, with a hint of hidden developments in the hours to come... haha...
rain in the late afternoon... it's a sign of the passage of time... the year's dying... but i like rain... bringer of new life... and it hides life (or at least mine...) from the harshness of daylight... we could all do with living in darkness for a bit... life is often painful to bear... i don't need more sunshine to sear me where i'm exposed... and illuminate my scars where they've healed over so many times i don't feel a thing...

rain and cold winds... reminders... again...

of paris... amongst other things... and gazing at the eiffel tower by the dim of evening haze... the last vestiges of spring, summer and autumn releasing their tenuous hold on time in a final drizzle of light rain before the first virgin snowflakes caress the earth... and begin the slow but inevitable crafting of the white quilt for the land while it sleeps...

of nights gone by... amongst other things... when rain and cold winds were but a cue for warmth... for company and the quiet anticipation of the time when the rains would clear to reveal a night with no sound to distract... no light to obscure... and a sky that hid no star...

on a more mundane and banal note...
i have a life to live... and so do many other people... and right now some others are deliberately making my life as well as other's difficult by insisting on the truth of wild rumours...
it is one matter to talk and joke and use such untruths to spark conversation... but the written word has power... perhaps more so than the spoken word... and to write such stuff anywhere... least of all on my blog... is just a waste of my time...
and i'm not saying that it's ok to go on and on in conversation about this... so don't even begin to misquote me tomorrow and say that i only said not to write about it... leaving you free to talk or even... type it out...
hello... logic...?

and no i am not angry or upset... not in the manner that would affect my daily life anyway... i am just indignant... and there's a fine difference there...
so there's no need for I'm-Sorries or Are-You-Okays... not that i'm expecting that...
just stop... and i'll be the one thanking you...

and no i'm not in a bad mood today...

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