Friday, July 16

hello... err...
wait a minute would you... feeling lost with blogspot's new format...
wow... this looks complicated...
ah well... i'll fiddle around with it another time...
my cacti look better... phew...
for some reason or other...  something popped into my head as i was heading for lecture today...
i have no idea why...
if i saw meself... would i like what i see...? could i befriend me...? ooh... let's just be narcisstic...
hmm... i dunno...
firstly... the hair has got to be more obedient... i hate it when it ends up exactly the way i don't want it to right after i step out of the loo having just tried to discipline it... it's almost a mockery i tell you...
nextly... i want longer, larger everything... so that i don't look like a refugee... or be accused of wearing tight stuff when i don't have the figure...
thereforely... figure...
after thatly... my own nice shoes... the keyword here is nice... and perhaps own...
that should be all...
i feel so cheap... bwahaha... maybe they should pick me for the next reality tv show featuring makeovers...
... that's so wrong...
somebody slap me hard now... wiggle my earlobes and twist my thumbs and insert salt in my mouth... stand by my insensate form and call for my mind to return...
i am talking rubbish aren't i...? haha...
i don't care... it's therapeutic...
so you'll play the psychologist and i'll play the patient and you'll listen to me ramble on and on meaninglessly and it'll do me a whooole lot of good...
and the best part is... it's totally free!!!
righty... thanks doc...
see you around soon...
haha... anyways... look out for Venus these few days... it should be quite the brightest thing around... especially in the mornings... before the sun is fully out... and the evenings...
once the other stars are out the it's harder cos you'll get lost...
hmm... i wonder why have i forgotten all the constellations i used to know... now all i remember are Orion and the Southern Cross... and i can only see Orion cos the Southern Cross' only obvious from near the sea... if not for Venus these few days... i might have just forgetten clean about everything...
stars... used to spend entire evenings gazing up... and sometimes it quite unsettled me... the prospect of a distance so far... a universe apart... seemed to be so beyond my comprehension that it frightened me...
the infinite may be a very simple concept... but if you for once consider it for it's implications in itself... infinity and infinity alone... not in the comfort of mathematical logic...
the sheer magnitude can be disturbing... horrific even...

but stars and the sky still entrance and enthrall me... they are... after all... the stuff of dreams...
they represent the pinnacle... the acme... the zenith of human imagination... it is after all precisely because we cannot fathom their infinitesimal depth... their dark radiance... that we have to turn to our heaven sent resources to place them within comprehensible grasp...
and if i'm not up to thinking deep thoughts... then they become pleasant beauty to grace the tired evening...
ah well...

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