Wednesday, July 7

dawn broke over the land...

somehow those words sounded a whole lot nicer when i first penned them in some compo in sec 3... but with great thanks to a stupid bunch of friends... they made it into a song... (i can hear them singing now...) ceaselessly repeated it for weeks on end...
and now it totally stinks... so ended my creative writing career...

hmm... i think i miss writing compos...
definitely beats writing essays... to suspend one's sense of reality and engage in creative writing... i say it's something that needs to be done more often... ha... who cares if we all end up hare-brained... and writing all over the place without structure... much like someone we know...
hmm... now who is that...?

let's see now... some people have this knack of thinking i'm always immersed in depression... well... just to clear the air... (actually cos i have nothing much else to blog...)

i am by nature not always inclined to talk... i like silence and being alone as much as i like company... that means that when i'm quiet and alone and stuff... it doesn't mean that i'm depressed... it just means i wanna be silent... enjoy not talking for a while... sort of rest my mouth...
after all... i can't be letting slip the secrets of life, setting free my pearls of wisdom into the world all the time can i...
if i talk less... does it mean that since the supply of my words decreases... it's worth shoots up...? hmm...

in fact... i like silence and solitude a lot... there's something gratifying about being alone with your thoughts... and letting no one but yourself direct and guide the incessant flow of thoughts... which is why i like to stay up late...
i love the night when everyone is asleep but me... and the house is silent but for my footfalls... i suppose it's the effect of Roald Dahl on my childhood and now on me... he entranced me with the notion of the witching hour... when everybody... grown-ups and children are asleep and the creatures of the night walk the earth...

hmm... i used to stand by the window at night when the whole house was asleep and look out...
at the cars and people... and wonder who they were and where they were going and wonder also at the breadth and depth of life... so immense that one life simply isn't enough...
at the sky... and see the stars, the clouds, the moon... somehow the night sky gains clarity as the night progresses... almost as if it ironically gets darker and more transparent as dawn approaches...

sigh... can't stay up nowadays though... either i'm too tired or there's a busy day awaiting tomorrow... one that needs me to rest, sleep...

and oh by the way...
i'm now an ageless cyborg with a mysterious past of which the sordid details have unnecessarily been fabricated by the dear authors of the anime/manga/i-have-no-idea-what that i now star in...
thanks a bunch... apparently they took my words too seriously...
anyways... who am i to complain...? i'm on my way to immortality... whee...
one day when we are all old, dead and forgotten... these pages will still be floating around...

"At nightfall there is the beauty of drowned fields"
-Plath in 'Getting There'

ps... no i am not getting into the habit of putting a line or two of verse every time i sign out... it's just that fate recently has given me quite suddenly many beautiful lines to ponder over... so there...

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