Monday, July 19

adjusted the graphic again... this is for those of you all out there who said that the old one made it difficult for people to read what was on the site...
and i think this one's really cool...
by the way... it is supposed to totally fade away... not get cut off by the bottom of the monitor so do tell me if it comes out fine on all the different coms people use...
maybe if everybody can't see the bottom... which admittedly gives off the nicest effect... i'll adjust the graphic again... resize it or something...
i'm supposed to be doing an essay now... but since i have to submit it in typescript... as my tutor so insists... using the specific word 'typescript'... the computer has become a source of constant distraction... thus bringing me here... blogging... ha...
i suppose i'll soon be done with it anyway... but first...
dinner beckons...

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