Friday, July 9

what have we here...?

vjc tsd public performance...
really great... quite looking forward to sunday's show now... you know... for a minute there i was quite envious of them... up in the spotlight...
haha... me the great thespian...?
nah... i'll only succeed in comic relief... and not intentionally at that...
after all... i already chose music...

there's a great difference in those two arts... though brothers almost on the shared stage... after all music is to a certain extent introspective... the rendition of music for it's sake alone... to witness for a fleeting moment... the composer alive and vibrant in his legacy of sound...
theatre on the other hand is social... engaging in not only the artist but also the spectator... skills in one, attention in another, and response, emotion, even passion in both...

maybe that's why i'm also drawn to theatre... haha...
to fulfil the quiet, brooding me i have music as my cloak... but if i feel inclined towards being gregarious, social, outspoken... then i crave the spotlight... and ears to listen to me, eyes at rapturous attention...

i suppose i have to do it the amatuer way then...
my one go at having the world staring at me... albeit in a peculiar mixture of fascination, humour and also pity for one craving attention so...

ah well...
had another go at the flute again...
piece for today... 6 Studies by Luigi Huges...
quite crazy i should say... but i like it... haha...
none of the deep, intellectual stuff of the Baroque, just plain old good romantic studies... so there's a good piece to brush up on technique... but also plenty of individualism inside there... unlike some other boring studies i know...
oh please... if i wanted to run aimlessly up and down scales i could have done that myself...

well well...
getting tired now...

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