Thursday, July 15

this is not good...
i'm sure now i'm the first person ever to starve cacti till they wither...
i'm so damn sorry... it's not my fault... it's the stupid mid-years...
please don't die on me... please...
my little potted plants...

i'm not sure why some people don't really like cacti... i think they're really nice...
no false pretences of flowers... just plain, solid substance...
and there's beauty in their bodies... long and slim...
or those that look like ferns...
or the fleshy types that look rather like green roses...

and i think my fern-like cactus is almost dead...
oh well.. maybe i'll buy new ones...
or else i'll just make a cutting and grow a new one...

it's kinda sad yar... that i can neglect my cacti till they wither... i mean...
it means i'm harsher than the Sahara... and that's a sobering thought...

anyways... i don't think me as a bohemian with long hair would be nice...
i want to keep my hair as it is... yes to the goatee... and yes to the tinted glasses...
dunno about rose... maybe blue's better though...
and i'll spend my day busking... and my evening getting kicked out of restaurants... and my nights under the bridge...
ah... beautiful...
and when i die... i'll be remembered as the weirdo who busked around at city hall... and spent the nights sleeping under bridges... a struggling artist...
maybe if i'm lucky i'll get a mention in some tabloid like new paper...

i'm in a sardonic mood today...
ha... the world laughs... and so all i can do is laugh along...
not that i'm really inclined to...
but we have to don't we...? laugh along...?
or else we'll just be relics of the past... or even worse... people of the present grouching around in circles... preoccupied with perfecting their frowns...

so... excuse me while i laugh without mirth...
after all... say's law says that...
(that is not a typo... i intended for it to be so... ha...)
supply creates it's own demand... so maybe if i supply the smile... however strained... demand will come... with it... i hope... real laughter...


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