Tuesday, July 27

hello everybody...

tomorrow's the big day...

and i have a message for all who care to chance by...

if you say that i have provided such good service and leadership in the past one year or so that many find it daunting to fill my position when i leave... i leave you with this...
if you say that my leadership has been exemplary... then prove it... for the mark of truly good leadership comes not in my time... but in how well my successors shall perform...
thus... my one request of you... my juniors... is that you achieve what i have... and show that i have done my job... and go even to succeed where i have not... and prove that i have done my job... and well...

sigh... suddenly everything feels kinda like a big anticlimax... haha... yes... i shall go as far as admitting that in my human fallibility i might have dreamt... in one small, selfish moment... of a grand send off... haha...
well... ego trip...

what...? don't look at me like that... i'm only human... as you are too... allow me my moments of vanity...

ah... time's a running... and my work's left undone... cold in the moonlight... neglected ones and zeroes sitting on the com... waiting...

yes... the prophecy's fulfilling itself... my posts are getting shorter and shorter...
ah well...

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