Sunday, October 24


i will continue the Jester's story... so don't worry...
but if you think it absolutely has to end in a certain way... leave a comment... and maybe i'll be like Dickens...
pander to popular opinion...

or i might not...

to be honest i have an ending in mind... but i'm not too satisfied with it...

ah... ten days to A's... time never seems enough does it...?

and oh yes... have i already mentioned...? come december eleventh i will be no longer writing here as often as i like... my love for the country compels me to serve it with unswerving loyalty...

actually no it's chapter 93 of the enlistment act but that says go or be thrown in prison after trial in martial court and but never mind now...

where was i...? oh yes... unswerving loyalty... thus i shall cast off all passion and forsake my art... take up arms... be a man...
mere spilt blood and wasted violence... that is the legacy to which i shall answer to and to which i shall perpetuate... the entire senselessness, needlessness, stupidity and vapidity of humanity's tendency to violent resolution of conflict shall rest upon my shoulders... and those of my compatriots...

by no desire of mine...

lovely innit...?


leonard said...

Aiyah!! it's just two years la.

Nachtilera said...

for someone who was raving far more incoherently than me when you got your notice, you're pretty outspoken eh...?

Anonymous said...

shu shu arh... don't worry, it's only TWO years. or so leonard says. if you're bored, can always look for knanaki, princess, nat darling, or your "wife"s to quote (that would be weiman and weizhi..).

i know you won't look for me. so yeah.. yada yada. can save on my phone bill too.

cheer up babe!
