Monday, April 18

ok let's have a second go at this...

i was writing about how i seem to have difficulty writing anything that's of any worth nowadays...
and i looked at what i had written and got so turned off i deleted it all...

so here we go again...

yes... it's rather like living through a slow onset of dementia... just that hopefully it's a two-year stint that i can recover from...
i wonder what my efficacy with the language seems to have dissipated into... i wonder whether my skills of analysis are still as sharp as before...
and i remember how it felt like to be eighteen, on the verge of the world... and now i'm a year older... and suddenly on the verge of the world isn't such an enviable place to be...

but then i think that as another year passes i'll hit my second decade...
and i sort of like that idea...

i think as i approach the end of my teenage years the infamous teenage mood swings come into full blast again... an encore performance right before a nice blossoming end...

it seems like a weird time to stop and take stock of life now...
but life's good...

i suppose one day i'll be as sharp as i ever was...

can one lar...

Monday, April 11

hello there everybody...

it's been a while now hans't it... well i've been rather busy... and am now suffering from a minor bout of gastric infection...

thus i can find the time at last to write...
thus i shall launch directly to my latest tirade...

goodness have you seen the latest reality tv shows?

in a recent wave of stupidity unprecedented in the history of television, viewers across the world are being subjected to humiliatingly insipid, vapid and tasteless programmes...

there was The Simple Life, and now there's The Simple Life 2: Road Trip...

thus we come to the conclusion that reality tv directors have take it upon themselves as their holy duty to rid the world of innocence...

and the two girls are hardly anything to look at anyway...

like hello...? do you really think they really mean it when they say that the girls are fashion trend-setters...?
dahling... it just means that you look so bad you stand out from the crowd like a sore thumb...

oops... getting mean are we...

anyway... as a result of sitting on my tushie the whole day at home...
i managed to catch Buffy... all the way when she just moved into Sunnydale...

it's a veritable comedy watching Sarah Michelle Gellar and David Boreanaz when they just started on the series...
i mean... her hair... it still has one of those primary school thingies stuck in... on... oh what the heck... in it...

otherwise known as a barrette...

but seriously... catching the earliest season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on tv makes one feel old...
it's all wistful and nostalgic...
and you realize that unlike tinseltown... you can't just stick the old reels into the player and go back to long long ago...
a tad bit sad yes...

but laughing at all the fashion faux pas on Angel's-still-around, pre-resurrected seasons of Buffy makes up for all of it...

heck... even Cordelia looks like Lewinsky...

and that's no compliment...

but even that's better than the idiots from Simple Life...
like... get a life...