Monday, July 25

well well well...

school's open again!

well for some of us at least...

have fun everybody... you all must come back and tell me what's the entire university thing like...

i mean like if everybody has been saying that's what we should be doing and where we should be headed for then it must be something right...?

err... right...?


i have read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince...
and you all have to finish with it fast so i can blab it all out of me...
and we can all bitch about the latest developments...

hmm... there seems to be nothing much to talk about nowadays...
i mean... like the most interesting thing that happened to me (or that i think i should be writing up here) concerns my journey home from work one saturday evening....

so i walk into the elevator... which happens to be the penultimate obstacle on my ardous journey home from work...
the time... for the record... is somewhere near eleven... pm... and i have spent close to two hours and a half on public transport...

so i walk into the elevator... and peer into the cracked mirrors that are the walls of the elevator and that the designers must have rather erroneously thought added a touch of class to the decor... and scrunch up my eyes and peer into the shards trying to make out my own reflection...

and i realise that my hair has been a veritable mess all the way home...

oh another thing to blab about in my rather plebeian life...
i have rediscovered my penchant for reading (which was last seen being thrown rather unceremoniously overboard somewhere near September last year...) which has seen my devour Brave New World and other books in the last week...

did someone ever tell me that Brave New World was funny... i thought not... it was thoroughly disturbing... brilliant, but disturbing nonetheless... it evokes a sense of fear in me... something deep and foreboding... in that vista of the future so incredible yet frighteningly an utter possibility...

Terry Pratchett was good though... it wasn't ha-ha-fall-on-the-floor-clutch-your-sides-laughing funny but it was good... giggly good...

then there's Stephen King... which is just... well...
plain disturbing... on an epic level...

looking at what i've written so far... i'm must say i'm rather surprised at my lack of endless, mindless chatter...

it reminds me of something i saw in someone else's blog...

"I want me back!"

i remember my writing used to be at times thoroughly cheesy, irritatingly whiny, divinely inspired, not-so-divinely inspired (meaning the result of desperate scrabblings for something else to think about during night study sessions), mindless, or sometimes just plain mad...

but it used to be pretty interesting...
(i like to think...)
and i got a kick out of writing...
(now that i know for sure...)

(well actually i still do get a kick out of it but it comes sort of delayed now... like only after a few bad spurts at writing then do i get the kick of it and then it all flows...)

(like now. )

(well it seems "like now" complete with period wasn't at all a good choice... i'm stuck...)
(ok let's just assume i'm writing the conventional way, and you can just skip all the stuff in parentheses and carry on... so as i was saying...)

and i got a kick out of writing...

and it seems now i'm quite stuck into a corner, parentheses or not, and i think i'll just call it a day...

not bad a length... actually...
come to think of it...