Saturday, March 25

In Moments of Abstraction

In moments of abstraction
the peal of my laugh
dulls and sullens.
Like a bell dipped in water
I become still, but the resonance
of my laugh carries on all around me.

I pick up and carry on,
falling into the rhythm like
a pendulum swinging
and as time passes the peal
sounds again,
but the heart remembers.

Saturday, March 18

hello there everybody...

i have a terribly hurting throat..
and two ulcers under my tongue nestled side by side...

it hurts to talk and it hurts to sing and it hurts to eat...

but enough about me...

let's talk about a certain friend of mine...

so a friend of mine says that everyday at work he makes it a point to check out all his friends' blogs to see what's going on in their lives...
everyday... every friend... every blog...

except mine...

cos according to him i don't blog enough and he knows that even if he does check back it won't be updated...

so now i'm compelled to write something before he throttles my neck...


ok back to me...

seeing as how i'm feeling so sick right now i want to stuff myself silly with comfort food like chocolates, and chips, and chocolate cake, and fries, and chocolate ice-cream...
but i can't have any of that cos it'll make my throat hurt more...


for all those concerned this isn't an edvard-munch-the-scream argh...
it's more like a grit-my-teeth-and-narrow-my-eyes kinda argh...

come to think of it actually it's more of an urgh.

so there...


Sunday, March 12

well i hit the big two-oh tomorrow...

it's very tempting right now, sitting at my table, to pour out another one of my philosophical, existential ramblings...
but i think not...

somehow when i was a kid and i couldn't wait to grow up this day didn't seem to be like this...
and i do think and wonder sometimes what's changed...
but i can't seem to put my finger to it...

it's not like i don't want to grow up... but i suppose it's no longer like when we were seven and everything was so innocent...

but ah well...

i suppose it's happy birthday to me...

Sunday, March 5

oh dear...

it seems Knanaki thinks that me...
of all people...

she thinks that i, of sound mind and body, have gone kookoo and wrote the entire last post to create some fictional universe around some fictional character: Commander Keen.

firstly, Commander Keen is not fictional.
secondly, i am not kookoo.

Commander Keen is real. He's a real boy who went from garage genius to saviour of earth by defeating the Vorticons who were not evil, but under the influence of the Grand Intellect.
His bravery and courage ensure that we have an planet now that we can call our own.

if he wasn't real, where on earth do you think the computer game i spent and now am spending so many hours on came from...?