Monday, February 27

"No one can see beyond a choice that they don't understand."
- The Oracle.

and i was watching The Matrix...

so you see... i still can't seem to move on for so long now because there are so many things i don't understand...
and for all the perseverance, all the determination, and most importantly all that self-knowledge i think i possess there are things that i know i won't come to understand...

that simply is the way of things...

and that much i understand... because i understand that some choices will have to be made regardless of circumstance, regardless of understanding...

some choices are just made... and then that's all there is to it...

this is one of those posts where i talk to myself...

Episode 1 - Marooned on Mars
Billy Blaze, eight year-old genius, working diligently in his backyard clubhouse has created an interstellar starship from old soup cans, rubber cement and plastic tubing. While his folks are out on the town and the babysitter has fallen asleep, Billy travels into his backyard workshop, dons his brother's football helmet, and transforms into...

Commander Keen - Defender of Earth!

In this episode, aliens from the planet Vorticon VI find out about the eight year-old genius and plan his destruction. While Keen is out exploring the mountains of Mars, the Vorticons steal vital parts of his ship and take them to distant Martian cities! Can Keen recover all the pieces of his ship and repel the Vorticon invasion? Will he make it back before his parents get home? Stay tuned!

In our last episode, Commander Keen foiled the Vorticon plot to strand him on Mars, recovering all of his ship's parts back from the evil Vorticons. It was dangerous, but simply a preamble to the terror that follows in...

Episode 2 - The Earth Explodes
His parents think he's asleep, but there's no time for napping -- a Vorticon Mothership is poised above Earth, preparing to destroy every major city with their deadly Tantalus Ray! Keen must sneak aboard the ship and stop their terrible task. If he fails, the Earth explodes! Of course, this will mean he won't have to get home in time for school.... The Earth or no school. Hmmm....

After much deliberation, Keen decides to save the Earth anyway. Don't miss an action-packed second of this exciting episode in the Commander Keen trilogy!

here's to another priceless piece of my chilhood unearthed and relived...
and to 15 hours of lost sleep...
and many more to go...

Saturday, February 25

the previous post was written and was supposed to be up last week.

due to the sheer obstinacy of and my hectic schedule it has seen the light of cyberspace only now...

so stop bugging me to post, enjoy those precious few words and i'll get something up soon...

i think...

Sunday, February 19

i have just woken up...

and it's seven pm now.

it's mildly irritating to take a nap and wake up at 7 cos then it seems that the whole day has been wasted in slumber...
and i don't even feel rested...

but ah well...

i don't have much to say regarding the past few days except that my body is putting up spectacular resistance to me putting it through the rigour of physical excercise on a regular basis...

or a least that's what my thighs, shoulders and arms seem to be screaming...