Monday, October 25

"and so it ends...?"

yes... Princess... and so it ends...

i have to say now that the Jester and i are totally different people... the narrative persona is not the author... the author has merely crafted a character that he feels he can identify with...
and in a way... externalize and exorcise his fears i suppose...

it's not the going and the rough and tumble that i don't like... it's what the entire exercise represents...
and i shall not go into it ad nauseam... i believe the previous posts have elaborated fairly well on it...

thus... i present my assurance to one and all...
it shall take more than a few mercenaries spouting vulgarities to have me forsake my spirit...
incidentally... that is my unfortunate impression of the military...

hear my sardonic laugh... ha...

on a lighter note... i think it's in the vincinity of an B-flat...
the A's are in 10 days...

actually that note's not very light is it...? ok...
so i heard wrongly... it's an F-sharp...

yes... that sounds more like it...

well i'm sorry but it's 11:38 now and i've been stuck in school studying about the wonderful history of my homeland and it's kinda inevitable that i'm not exactly in the sanest of minds...

excuse me while i play the madman...

in fact... excuse me while i go sleep...


Anonymous said...

hmm.. why didn't u write smth abt how u DANCED in sch. and how u GRABBED SOMEONE's WRISTS!!! grrr...


Anonymous said...




leonard said...

commanders are not allowed to use vulgarities in camp anymore. apparently it's a new rule.

Anonymous said...

remember in literature, the artist will always expose a part of himself he did not intend to. and a good reader will always see it.


Anonymous said...

Oscar Wilde wrote, "To reveal art and conceal the artist is art's aim."

Whether or not this aim has been achieved here is debatable.

Nachtilera said...

impressive, people...
but also remember... that the greatest of artists will always be utterly human...
fettered... and yet empowered by their humanity...

and even so... i profess myself no great artist...

Anonymous said...

Perfection is an ideal unto itself.

One may never reach it, but to strive for it is ever so human.