Sunday, August 29

oh hello there...

oh well... i suppose computers aren't that bad after all... my work's still up and intact... so there...
and unfinished i should add...
oh i'll get to it... soon...
in a while...

hmm... tired a little i am... haha... but it's far better than the kind of tired that i get at the end of a long day in school... tired out of going out and doing fun stuff is different from tired out of studying... and if a certain someone reads this...
no i'm not mocking your quite less palatable postion within the labour force through advertising the fact that i'm still studying...
just... making a comment... haha...
had fun lar...
thanks for dinner and the free ride home...


i figured out a new method of filling my blog up... whenever i am not driven by any great passion or outrage to write... then i shall just engage in meta-descriptives...

so i'm sitting before the white square... staring at little squiggly lines materialise before my eyes as i hit little boxes under my fingers that seem to carry the same figures... there are a total of one hundred and four little boxes under my fingers now... some are littler than others... some have only one mark on them... others have two... even more... but one stands out... relatively long... it has no markings of any sort on it... and depressing it just makes the disappearing line on the white square move... there are also three lights that can light up ... depressing certain boxes light them or turn them off...
i suppose white square is not a good way of describing the thing before me now... it has many colours... some change but most are still... most of the colours also form... in varying sizes... the very same figures that i see on the little boxes that i can press... the colours are very pretty... when i touch them they are hard... very hard...
taking in the larger view of the room... i see that the floor is largely made a strips of material that have random designs on them... all however are brown... some lighter than others though... and the designs all involve lines running in the same direction... much of the other things in the room are also made of this same material... the largest thing in the room is a rectangular block... colourful... and very soft... it yields to my touch... bends and folds... there are other similar things on it... colourful... soft... things...
moving around... i see something else... it is similar to the white square... but it does not have white lights... nor is it square... but i see that it has moving colours... and instead of forming squiggly lines... the colours form a strange object... this object moves... five bits... longest at the bottom and smallest on top... attached to an oblong in the middle... it opens and covers little black and white orbs that are in the topmost bit... and just a little lower... where two long, tapering cylinders come from... there is a steady rythmic movement... a slight... slow pulsation... when i reach out to touch it... it moves too... it looks... deceptively so... soft and warm... for when i touch it all i feel is a hard surface... like the way the colours of the white square feel... it is very cold too...
there are also several other little boxes in the room... one of them... instead of depressing when i touch it... merely pivots around the same point... when i do that... there is a snap... all the colours in the room change... darken actually... only the white square and its colours remain the same... brighter even...

oh well... got bored of that...
more from the alien in my room the next time i blog then...
the essay beckons...

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