Sunday, August 22

hello everybody...

seems like i'll be blogging less and less as the days go by... my prophecy is fulfilling itself... oh well... i doubt we'll have time to come check out anyway... so yes... treasure these days as long as they're here...
speaking of which... many people tell me i should enjoy my life as a student... haha... if that's the case... then life's sad man...

ah whatever...
two words to tide across almost any crisis...
nonchalance doesn't appeal much to me... maybe in politics... but not in life... i often need to be in the thick of things... know what's going on... haha... but ironically... at times when everything goes on overload... well...
ah whatever... it'll just have to suffice...


woohoo... just won another round of solitaire... yay... don't you dare say i have a sad life... i'm warning you now...
solitaire's fun...

on to something else... i'm realized i can't see things everyone's way... so don't look at me when i disagree with you as if i've just denied you your unalienable human rights...

and personally... i couldn't care less if people treat me badly or stuff... as long as you don't murder me that's fine... so that means there's really no need to keep telling me to stand up for myself... poeple can walk all over my head for all i care... i daresay the experience as a doormat would be pretty enlightening...

if anyone disagrees with me that's fine... no need to blow your top... chill man...
i mean... life's tough yar... no need to make it any tougher by giving youself any stress... live and let live... get so stressed over nothing... keep everything bubbling inside... and one day we're all gonna implode... and then what's left...?

birds shall rule the earth... and any remaining humans caught sneezing...

and finally... i'm not hinting at anybody... this is... for everybody... at everybody...
so have fun everybody... life's short, tough... and probably bitter... just like a bit of rat-gnawed and rotten... beef jerky...
ha... but we've all got to eat don't we...

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