Sunday, August 22


i'm high cos i can't give a damn though i'm sad cos i'm freaked cos i'm not alarmed when i'm happy cos i didn't study...

go on... deconstruct at will...

anyway... spent another hour or so on my flute again today... haha... i realize it's my own personal prozac... nice...and it doesn't wear off fast...which means i'm still pretty jumpy now...

anyway... 3rd Study from Luigi Hugues 6 Studies... beautiful... in the style of the great romantic solos... subtle at times... passionate in other moments... always expressive... emotional... it's the rare piece that makes me yearn to improve and develop my skills to the fullest... so that i may for one small moment hear the piece unmarred by my human imperfections... as i hear it performed in my mind's ear...

anyways... before some of you out there complain that i'm getting too Hallmark-ish of late... well...

i'll do as i very well please...

ha... if i've incensed you so much that you now feel a tight pain in your chest... or a sudden numbness contained in either side of your body...well... i won't be held responsible...

and oh by the way i'll be free anytime if you want to list me as your sole beneficiary...

ah... the high's almost worn off now...

and so again i'm sitting in front of the monitor listening to the sound of the night wash past outside my window... tonight it's the endless roar of vehicles as they pass my way...
the sound crescendoes... till it seems right outside the window... then dies off into the ringing silence...
it's not the sound that means anything... it doesn't... it's what it implies...
i wonder at the immensity of life on earth... how every single driver driving past me now as i'm sitting and writing probably has a story to fill a dozen tomes... and if every second or so another driver comes along... with a passenger or two... then how long will it take to listen to all their stories...?

oh well... that's more than enough to keep us all occupied for a few days yet...
nighty people...

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