Tuesday, August 3


a short one for today... all the late nights are catching up on me...
i shall sleep early today... a rare treat... paid for in tomorrow's guilt... but then and again...
tomorrow's tomorrow isn't it...? ah...

sigh... tired... like i've never really felt before... so tired even sleep is sadly inadequate... and the sheets are too cold... too lonely anyway... i'm sorry people if i'm writing confusing depressing stuff... but it is my place after all...
when was the last time i could just turn around and find a ready rest for my burdens...? it's really tiring sometimes... facing the world all the time... seeing and dealing with what people think of me... or what i should be doing... or doing things that i don't really want to do in the first place... taking lead and assuming responsibility...
once... that was all... when i could just be myself and enjoy it... shrinking my personality and just letting someone else take the limelight... the lead... while i just sit around... contented with following...
even that too couldn't last... ah well...

sleep beckons...

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