Thursday, August 5


i had wanted to talk about literature... ah... but well... can't bring myself to look deep into Plath again... i might just sink into interminable depression... the sheer power of her words...
and mind you... i'm not saying that her works are hallmarks of beaty... oh no... far from that... the sheer horror and brutality of her words is what shocks... there are of course moments of true beauty... precariously suspended... but then and again... is not their beauty partly a product of the fact that they occur so infrequently in her writings...?

do not endlessly tag on my blog about Plath... this is not... i repeat not... a forum for you to discuss her work...
comments about me... me and me alone... are on the other hand most welcome... it's always about me ain't it...?

haha... ah well... we should all indulge in a little ego... it's called self-affirmation... works wonders... really...

on another note... tonight was an unusually clear night... i could for once see that stars really do shimmer and twinkle... kinda sad that i have to experience this for real only when i'm eighteen... oh well... better late than never...
anyway... pretty sight... and i think i'm quite lucky... walking out of the house in the morning i can see venus... and walking back i can see her as she sets into the evening horizon... haha... little graces to light my day...

it's getting late... but not late enough... haha... i have to sleep nonetheless... did you know that the required time of sleep for us is 9.2 hours everyday...?
wow... imagine my life if i could do that...

sometimes... life throws us the smallest glimmers of hope... almost as if mocking our human... and thus infinite penchant for hope... yet with all the knowledge to rival perhaps even nature... wisdom that is our claim as the one of the few enlightened species of the planet... we still foolishly hold on to love and hope... the greatest intangibles with the greatest power...

'nighty everyone...

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