Sunday, August 29

hello everybody...

i'm writing my essay on how much Maxine Hong Kingston finds her true power in her word and song so i decided to come her and display my power in word and song...

bow down everybody...


omigosh i'm getting lamer and crappier by the day... the hour... the minute... the second... the millisecond... the i-don't-know-what-comes-next... the i-don't-know-what-comes-after-that...
oh well... since i'm going to be lame... i might as well excel in it...

wait... what was it now...?
oh damn it... i had the funniest thing to say but i can't remember what it was now... it came to me as a pretty funny thing to say as i was re-reading my old blog posts but i can't remember now... i'm getting old... as seen in my abysmal capabilities at memory and the fact that i'm re-reading my blog...

it's a quiet night tonight... folks are out and everything... so the i have the whole house to myself... cars... trains... the whirr of the computer... speaking of which...
sometimes i really wish my computer would make more noise... like blow up or something when it has a problem... that's definitely comparable to just shutting up and refusing to work... i swear sometimes it deliberatle antagonizes me... Murphy's Law at work... oh... look what i found... Murphy's Constant: Matter will be damaged in direct proportion to its value.
which means i should technically be treating my work with as little regard as possible... and thus it would be less open to the attacks of a malicious computer intent on making my life difficult... the preferred method of which would be to decide to hang the very moment before i decide to save... and after i feel accomplished that i've done so much...

yes... well...
i don't have much else to say... 'nighty then...

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