Sunday, August 1

my cactus died... so there's the very last one of them now gone to nothing... back to mother earth from whence it first was begotten... bloody hell...
now i have three empty earthen pots sitting on my windowsill with little bits of rotting cactus in them... i don't have green fingers and here's the living proof of it... pun intended...

anyway... got a new cover for my phone... now it looks space age... and that's not exactly flattering... looks like something Spock would use...

and my tagboard seems to be down... so everybody hold all your words of adoration and praise till it's up again ok...

was raining furiously today... i realise that where the wind and rain are so equally strong... it rains in waves... almost like there's a sea suspended in mid-air and the torrents are waves... surf breaking wherever the wind falters... and the trees... symbols of strength and will... just dance to the howl like clinging seaweed...
only buildings... those remain like rock and coral... rigid and immobile... but unlike coral... have no organic beauty... just cold brick and mortar... glass and steel...

nonetheless... i still like the rain...

the pregnant sky is an awe inspiring sight... clouds so dense that they seem within human reach... as if all you had to do was reach out... and the sky... heavied and thus brought down from airy heights... would be at your fingertips... maybe that's why rain has become such fascination in so many cultures...not only is there life-giving water from the sky... rain is a communion between heaven and earth...
so is evaporation you may say... ah... but can we see evaporation at work...? all we can do is see water disappear and guess... see the part and infer the whole...

ah... just finished a word puzzle on 'easy going'... took me 49:57... ironically... looking for 'becalmed' was anything but becalming... ah well... whee...

haha... i shall be off now...

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