Sunday, August 1


what shall i say... hmm...

oh yes... read Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere... i realized that if you want to write a novel and have it sell... there's a scheme... and a rather fixed one at that... to follow...

Tom/Dick/Harry Potter (delete where applicable) gets thrown into the world of The Enchanted Forest/Wizarding London/London Sewers/Disneyworld and finds out he's part of the elite Pixie/Sewer Alligator/ Ridiculous Helium Voiced Cartoon/Wizard class... so he goes to find out more from The Boss/The Angel/Head Wizard/Mother Alligator and is directed to find/kill/spy on The Infamous Snake Eye Pale Face/Missing Miscellaneous Jewellery/The Alligator Skin Louis Vuitton Purse/Mickey's Ears in order to save the entire world and at the same time guarantee himself safe passage Back To The Real World/In The Other World... he way he finds a trusty sidekick(s) to guide him... (optional double-crossing here)... and finally finds what he set out for... but he's totally confused as to how it all works out and suddenly the Hooded Guy/Green Fairy/Man In Suit appears and helps him out and Mysteriously Disappears/Turns Out To Be The Misunderstood Bad Guy...

and so on so forth...

ah well... maybe that's why... as i have previously demonstrated... i should not go into creative writing... haha...

ah... as i write the day has passed.... and i'm already more than an hour into the new day and month... so tired... i just wanna forget everything and just sleep... haha...
maybe that's why i'm looking forward to my trip out later next week... just days of lazing around and feeling rich... ah... lets see if relaxation does me in or makes me...

on another note... (a B double-sharp i think...)
life's getting boring... everything's over... there's nothing much left to do other than mug... ah well... let's hope time does pass fast... then i'm off to play at soldiers...

this post is the only barely reasonably respectably long enough this week... and yes the consecutive adjectives were intended...


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