Sunday, July 18

oh guess what...
when Typhon, child of Gaia and Tartarus raged across the world... with wrath so fiery that even the gods fled from Olympus to Egypt when it attacked... Eros and Aphrodite transformed into the two fishes we now know as Pisces and swam up the Nile...  therefore... no matter which one of the dual fishes exerts a stronger influence on me... i exude sensual allure...
keep that in mind yar...
and yes i couldn't stop laughing for hours after reading that...
anyway... as for the whole story... Typhon was eventually vanquished by Athene who used Zeus' thunderbolts... and as punishment set beneath the Mount Aetna... which is today the still active volcano of Etna on the island of Sicily...
ah... the romance of the classics... bloody yes... but still romantic in its own quait way...
there's lot's more where it came from...
oh yes... before i forget...
Maris Stella Concert Band: Chronicles IV
23rd July, Singapore Conference Hall
tickets at $10
i will be conducting the alumni band... so if you're interested do drop a line or something...
and i just realised i'm making so many darn mistakes in my typing that i'm having to go over and over again on the same few words... this means i'm tired...
haha... and i'm saying stuff that really doesn't make any sense... hmm...
i like this feeling of being tired... it's different from being tired cos of work... this is... the feeling of satisfaction... and nestled within it the mildly unsettling promise and anticipation of events of the future... ah...

i shall now make it a point to one day go somewhere i can see the full beauty of the night sky... like Tioman Island or Perth or something... somewhere i can see everything for once without clouds and apartment block lighting to distract me...
i can hear the crickets' call from my room now... its sadly quite seldom that i get to stay up late enough to hear this... sounds like a really high F# and G... haha...
funny how it's so soothing now but if i hear anything remotely lke this anytime else i'll scream...
somehow this buzz so high it's at the edge of my hearing... so unobtrusive it's almost mistaken for the ring of pure silence... can sound so much more mysteriously alluring than most anything else i've heard before... 

just listen...

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