Friday, August 17

well well...

the first week of school has ended, and it's something like a huge sneak preview of what's to come.. with all the introductions to courses and tours of the campus and the tiddly little things that are associated with starting a term of education in any institute..

and it's all yea exciting!

if only people shared my enthusiasm haha..

well honestly i'm quite baffled how some people can be so jaded at this point in their lives when they're entering an institution that's starting afresh with new premises and all.. it's one thing to be admitted into an age-old, respectable, and thoroughly intimidating college, but how these people manage to sound so negative while looking around at the spanking new (so new it's actually only about 60% functional) college just baffles me..

so during the tour i had to content myself with smiling a rather silly smile instead ofjust going gaga over the place, and prospect of starting school..

but enough about school. i guess it's quite enough to be going on and on and on about it.

The Kim Seng Wind Sypmhony will be presenting its annual concert on the 23rd day of this December. Repertoire for the evening includes Asian music and popular showtunes. 

The concert will be held at the NAFA Auditorium.

Yours truly will be conducting, so all interested parties can email, sms, send a telepathic nudge, shout from the other end of the island, or use the good 'ol telephone to procure your tickets.

If you buy 7 tickets you get the 8th free!

also writing a musical for a private function, short 20-30 min affair that you all can't attend anyway so i shan't bore you with needless details..

LaSalle will be putting up a week's worth of performance somewhere in October, and of course you will all be informed when i know what's going on exactly when..

haha so that's pretty much what's exciting in my life. other than school of course.. 



Anonymous said...

wow. u life sounds fun!! hahaha.. have fun shu shu..

Anonymous said...

Should continue blogging. Today october already.

Anonymous said...

i second that opinion... where are the entries? it's past mid-October already...
