Sunday, August 12

oh my goodness gracious me school starts tomorrow!

on the way back home today i had a minor emo moment when the reality that i was really going to study music sank in. 

all the time when i received the news that i was granted an audition, and when i was auditioning for the place in LaSalle it didn't feel real..

and when i received the letter of offer, elated as i was it still didn't feel real, and the nagging feeling that it wasn't really happening still stayed at the back of my head.

and there it stayed while i stood day after day selling jewellery, meeting people, earning some money...

and i think just about half an hour ago was the first time it really hit me in the head.

finally, after so much dreaming, i'm here all ready to go for it!

i really have to thank those who along the way encouraged me even when i thought i'd given up on this dream.. and the other people i meet along the way who made it even easier because, through their words and actions, made it feel like there was no other possible way that i could have gone and this choice was the most natural one to make.

and of course i do think that someone special up there has been watching out for me..

thank you! all of you!

(yar very juvenile i know but i insist on doing it haha..)


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