Friday, August 17

well well...

the first week of school has ended, and it's something like a huge sneak preview of what's to come.. with all the introductions to courses and tours of the campus and the tiddly little things that are associated with starting a term of education in any institute..

and it's all yea exciting!

if only people shared my enthusiasm haha..

well honestly i'm quite baffled how some people can be so jaded at this point in their lives when they're entering an institution that's starting afresh with new premises and all.. it's one thing to be admitted into an age-old, respectable, and thoroughly intimidating college, but how these people manage to sound so negative while looking around at the spanking new (so new it's actually only about 60% functional) college just baffles me..

so during the tour i had to content myself with smiling a rather silly smile instead ofjust going gaga over the place, and prospect of starting school..

but enough about school. i guess it's quite enough to be going on and on and on about it.

The Kim Seng Wind Sypmhony will be presenting its annual concert on the 23rd day of this December. Repertoire for the evening includes Asian music and popular showtunes. 

The concert will be held at the NAFA Auditorium.

Yours truly will be conducting, so all interested parties can email, sms, send a telepathic nudge, shout from the other end of the island, or use the good 'ol telephone to procure your tickets.

If you buy 7 tickets you get the 8th free!

also writing a musical for a private function, short 20-30 min affair that you all can't attend anyway so i shan't bore you with needless details..

LaSalle will be putting up a week's worth of performance somewhere in October, and of course you will all be informed when i know what's going on exactly when..

haha so that's pretty much what's exciting in my life. other than school of course.. 


Sunday, August 12

oh my goodness gracious me school starts tomorrow!

on the way back home today i had a minor emo moment when the reality that i was really going to study music sank in. 

all the time when i received the news that i was granted an audition, and when i was auditioning for the place in LaSalle it didn't feel real..

and when i received the letter of offer, elated as i was it still didn't feel real, and the nagging feeling that it wasn't really happening still stayed at the back of my head.

and there it stayed while i stood day after day selling jewellery, meeting people, earning some money...

and i think just about half an hour ago was the first time it really hit me in the head.

finally, after so much dreaming, i'm here all ready to go for it!

i really have to thank those who along the way encouraged me even when i thought i'd given up on this dream.. and the other people i meet along the way who made it even easier because, through their words and actions, made it feel like there was no other possible way that i could have gone and this choice was the most natural one to make.

and of course i do think that someone special up there has been watching out for me..

thank you! all of you!

(yar very juvenile i know but i insist on doing it haha..)


Monday, August 6

in every complete sentence, there will be a subject and a verb.

when writing in passive voice, the verb is acted upon by the subject, and when writing in active voice, the subjects acts out the verb.

i am have discussed the use of passive and active voice in writing.

the use of active and passive voice in writing was discussed by me.

or, as i found was elegantly taught in the university of north carolina,

why was the road crossed by the chicken?

Sunday, August 5

well well who would have guessed it.. i'm back here clicking away on my (very silent) Mac keys so soon..

the day today was spent with the folks, went out for a very heavy brunch (like i can still feel it now) and the day ended with a not-so-heavy dinner..

but that's not what i'm here for today. today we'll talk about something a little less frivolous.

i recently visited a friend who's very ill. we aren't very close, we see each other a few times a year, but seeing her affected me more that i'd have expected. i think the experience of seeing someone so close to death is a powerful reminder that we're all, after all, fragile and frail beings. 

i had an internal boulder-atop-precipice moment when my firmly rooted and Oprah-nurtured beliefs that life inherently has meaning came face to face with the ugly thorn of existentialism and i actually feared for a moment that it would all, at the end of the day, come to naught. it is after all quite a logical position to arrive upon when one looks at the fact that the notions of distinction and the things that we claim make one person worthier than another are constructs as weak and insubstantial as the fibre of our mortal bodies.

but, if only we care to see it (and that makes all the difference) we live beauty everyday. not just living in beauty, but living beauty.

and that makes it all worth. 
we live, and that alone is reason to live. because that's what we're here for.

when i was visiting my friend i noticed that her family members who cared for her looked more despondent than she did, and i was mulling over that the entire ride home. 
i think that perhaps, in some ways, she has the least to lose out of it all. the things that are of true value will always be hers no matter what, but for the rest of her family, they could have to face a real loss.

and then that gave me a second epiphany of the day. there's a clear line between what can be taken away and what can only be given up, and it's sometimes a tough call recognising what's before one for what it really is. but it's of so much importance to see the difference.

and so today became a rather introspective day, as opposed to the lazy sunday that i thought it would be... but i'm not complaining...

Thursday, August 2

Global Issue