Monday, July 30

hello one and all!

it's been donkeynoodle timewarp light years since i last posted!

and now i'm back..

but i really don't know if it'll last. in recent days i find that, less and less, the urge to write volumes of verbose ramblings surfaces, and ergo, this place has seen no new inspiration since then.. and well maybe things will change when i move to a new environment, and take on a new identity as a student, but till you see three posts up in the space of a week, don't get your hopes up..

like seriously. don't. i don't want to break any more hearts and dash any more hopes.


and please don't think it's a major life-change that has brought this on, or that i'm depressed and want to end it all, starting with this space in cyberspace that i call my own. 


i just don't see the need to update everybody (read: shout out to the whole WWW) on my comings and goings anymore, and actually, coming to think of it, it's a good thing i don't write here often.

after all, i write plenty and wax dramatic only when life is less-than-perfect and leaves much to be desired..

thus maybe it is true after all that thngs have taken a change for the better and thus i don't need to blog anymore.

having said that (ok everybody hold your socks it's clarification time)

firstly, the reason i'm writing so much now is not because i'm now depressed. it's cos i refuse to let this place just go to nothing without at the very least a final, fitting piece of prose to wind things up (not that this is that, but if Y comes to Z, then, well, it serves well enough)

and secondly, there is some thing to rant about. and it starts with an R too!


well i never thought i'd come to this, but well you know when you build your life's dreams around studying music and you finally get there after all that jazz, it is, you have to agree with me, a rather wet, soppy, soggy, and thoroughly stinky and unpleasant blankety prospect to have to, within the first two months of school, go back two and a half years ago and take up arms (oh bloody arms) again. 

it's in my words, raarbeesh. (which my class of sec 1s studying music theory under me have learned, is my favourite word to throw around.)

but thankfully, it has been pushed back (hopefully to oblivion and beyond; well nobody said I can't indulge in wishful thinking) and i no longer have to worry about it while in school.

kinda like how Harry Potter will be safe for as along as he's a student in Hogwarts, and calls the Dursley's his home. 

except, of course, that while i love school, i don't hate home; and most unfortunately, i do not have the ability to hex some people to oblivion.

lucky them.

but of course this fortuitous pushing back of said "duties" did not come about without sacrifice. and while i do not have any intention whatsoever of trivialising the death of dear Lily Potter, if we were to continue along this analogous line of thinking, i have to point out that i had to have the pleasure of wrangling with a rather friendly, keen, but unfortunately altogether inefficient administration to bring about this, well, for want of a better term (and in the interests of keeping this rant underground and my own self above blame and legal trussle) the said pushing back of said "duties".

well at least school's starting and things are looking good (goodness the new campus is just gorgeous!) and life's treating me kindly and well. 

well this about ends it all for now (or for ever, who knows) and all that's left for me is to tie up the loose ends and wait for school to open. it's jumping-butterflies-beans-in-my-stomach exciting and i really want to see what's in store!

and of course i do hope we will not start like my dear friends in another nearby varsity who have had the pleasure of seeing the school literally take shape, nuts, bolts and glass panes, right before their freshmen eyes.

but then and again, even if we do, i'm not going to complain. after all, what's going on now, was not too long ago just a fantastic dream. kinda like how Harry Potter hoped he was from another world.

but of course, this isn't fiction! 

(and i'm not some character living in pages earning elephant feeding-time buckets full of money for some writer)

gawd i wish i didn't have to admit this, but i envy that woman.

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