Wednesday, April 18

well just last night i've released my place at NUS so that some other person can have a go at it..
i just hope that it'll be as huge a gift to whoever gets it as the place i have now is to me..


ah life seems to be going extremely well now.. and i'm really happy for everything that's going right..

i'm headed exactly where i want go, i've got a good job that's neither boring nor a waste of my time, and financially, it works out pretty well too..

and well.. this line is intentionally cryptic, but the people i meet while on the job are so far, the best perks.

somehow, somewhere, deep inside me i'm afraid to say it out loud that life is great cos it might alert whatever forces that are conspiring to make life difficult for us all that there's this little bugger who they might have forgotten about..

haha but who cares?
life's great!!

i'd wanted to end the post there and then, but then i remembered something whiny i wrote a while back..

and it seems that when i wasn't expecting anyone to be listening out there, someone was.. cos i think it's just been proven to me that things can be as good as i want them to be, it just takes tremendous guts to dream big.

haha i'll just leave it at this for now..

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