Sunday, March 25

well hello it's been a rather long time now hasn't it.

the verbal drought here so far has been brought on, not only by work, but also because in recent weeks that have just passed i've found little reason to write. some things i don't see the need to tell everyone yet, and others are just, well, plain mundane.

well that's just another way of saying my life is boring...

so some time after coming back from a week long holiday in Krabi, Thailand, i received a letter that had in huge letter emblazoned across the top: ON GOVERNTMENT SERVICE. and so i thought to myself, ah what is it now... and when i flip it over i saw the stamp that said Division of Recruitment, Ministry of Education.

and i was like ohmyshitthebooboo. (thank you very much my dear friend at SMU from who i picked up this phase)

well it was a very poiltely worded letter saying that i was not chosen for the music teacher course.

so after that very impassioned post dealing with the whatnots about music and passion and shtuff like that this was a rather big shock, and also, well, slightly embarrassing. so for a good week or so, everytime i surfed round to my own blog and saw that huge long post i cringed, and then after a while the rhythm of blogging and its smooth, clicking cartharsis was forgotten.

until now, at least.

the other big happening in my life was, well, turning 21.

haha no big fanfares there, nothing much doing. i just spoilt myself with a ring and went out for dinner with the folks. i had been wondering for a rather long time what it would feel like to turn 21, and along the way expecting all manner of emotion ranging from nostalgia and depression to euphoria and a whole new sense of zomgtheworld'satmyfeet. but well reality, as i've fortunately (or not) learnt over these past 21 years, sucks.

it was boring. plain and simple boring.

and i don't mean this in a negative way, i don't feel any letdown or anything like that because my 21st was quite uneventful. i planned it to be that way and that's the way it turned out. i'm just surprised that after worrying that my mind and heart would go through some inner turmoil upon becoming of age nothing happened.


maybe a piscean can be in control of those wild emotions after all.

but this very sedate coming of age has done one thing for me. i now have an acute fear of living a life of boredom and mediocrity. before, i always thought that admitting to this would be rather arrogant, but now i see that it's just the way things should be.

every post in recent memory has been one that ends on a positive note, and i fully intend to make this trend continue, and hopefully each positive note gets more and more, well, err, positive.

gawd it's too early in the morning to think.

to put it all briefly, this is the belated birthday post, and i'm so fully looking forward to what adult life has to offer...... (drumroll please...)



leonard said...

from whom

Unknown said...

and i was like ohmyshitthebooboo. (thank you very much my dear friend at SMU from who i picked up this phase)

-from whom? it is quite popular i think, esp amongst the year ones.. except i say shitthemooomooo... hhahah