Tuesday, December 26

hello all...

i've been quite busy lately at my new job which is basically selling jewellery at Tangs...

so i'm a retail executive for the Charles Winston line of designer jewellery at level 2 of Tangs..
so cool right.

suddenly i'm all high up and hoity-toity.

but seriously, i do like the job a lot... i like the chance to talk to so many different people.. i like the fact that i'm faced with pretty shiny things everyday...

yar i know so shallow..

but basically i can think of many worse ways to spend my time..

so things are good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello jie mei! :) yes i intend to disturb u again haha, hopefully u'll be ard. YAR all things shiny, BLING rocks! No wonder u're so happy around those semi-precious rocks.

will catch ya soon!